If we want to connect with our readers we need to let them into our world. Although the elusive writer figure has been much romanticized in the past, these days a well-written author bio is an essential part of building your brand. It should be succinct and reflect your personality. Writing an author bio can be unnerving, especially for new authors, so here's a few tips to ensure your author bio doesn't put readers to sleep: 

Keep it concise

No one likes to read a pointlessly long description. Your author bio should be no more a paragraph covering your experience writing, previous books and a fun fact or two. Rather than telling your life story or listing every award you have won focus on relating to your readers and even throwing in some humor where appropriate. 

Picture this

Readers love a good author photo. It allows us to form an instant impression of an author, fair or otherwise. Your author headshot needs to be professional quality and convey the impression you want to give your readers. Think about your work and how you'd like to be portrayed; open, honest, fun loving, playful or studious and serious? 

Include Your Contact Details

While you don't have to provide everyone who shells out for your book with your phone number, you do want to give readers a way to find you. Include your author website and social media usernames. 

Keep it fresh

As your writing career progresses it's important to keep your author bio up-to-date and representative of yourself and your writing. Make sure to revisit and revise your bio prior to any new publication.